Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Conclusion

Civil rights are freedom principals that we govern our self under. This blog enlighten people with topics of power. If you were looking for entertainment maybe my blog was not for you, but to the people willing to learn something about where there gender or ethnicity started or even sexual preference I hope you were pleased.  My three core topics African Americans, Women, and the gay community are all three distinctive groups that have over came something they should of never had to faced to begin with. My transition of each were in a timely order due to there relevance today. My goal at the end of the day was to simply teach someone something new. If my blog has inspired anyone to take a second look at Americas history I consider it a job well done. 
Creating this blog has been a great experience and helped me understand so much I couldn't comprehended before. I was shy to speak on some of these topics because I never wanted to disrespect anyone and the thought of people that have no idea who I am commenting on my thoughts did not help either. This whole blog has made me realize I do have a voice and that voice gets respected with the facts and documentation to back up your opinion. Is this the end? I am sad to say yes due to other goals dreams of mine this would just be a distraction. What I can say is when I receive my degree and teachers license my first class will get to see how much power you truly have behind a keyboard.            

1 comment:

  1. Are your three core topics distinctive groups? Women can also be lesbians and African American. African American men can also be there is some overlap. So people who are of color, who are also marginalized because of gender would have a lot to learn from seeing the intersections of peoples within civil rights.

    I'm glad you attempted this difficult topic!
